Voted Best in Bucks County in Family Medicine


“I almost want to send you flowers and chocolate. I might. Whatever we’re doing is working. I’m more calm and I can actually deal with my children. I can parent the way I want to. You’re helping all of us because you’re awesome.”*

– L.W., Willow Grove, PA

“…Best doctor appointment I have had!”*

– M.C., Cherry Hill, PA

“It’s [dizziness] gone! It’s like a miracle. Thank you God it’s gone. I can’t believe I lived with it for so long. And, I’m just so much more pleasant and not so wound up.”*

– S.B., Berwyn, PA

“I’m doing well; I’m thrilled I came to see you.”*

– T.H., Buckingham, PA

“…huge, huge improvement. Last night was the first night [our son] had no sleep apnea and no snoring. I think he is going to be fine.”*

– D.Z., Chalfont, PA

“The students very much enjoyed your presentation. It was quite impressive and has done a lot to open their eyes to new ways of addressing their own and their patients’ health. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge and expertise. It’s a testimony to your professional ethics and commitment to health care.“*

– Nurse at Penn State Abington

“This is nothing short of a miracle. This homeopathic remedy addresses symptoms I didn’t even mention to you, which I’ve had for 20-30 years. The efficacy and speed at which homeopathy works is nothing short of amazing. I want to go back to school to be a homeopath!”*

– J.E., Hatboro, PA

“There are so many benefits that I can’t list them all!”*

– A.H., Doylestown, PA

“I’m a mother of a 6 week old baby boy. When we brought him home he started having severe stomach pain, becoming colicky, crying constantly, not sleeping & having no peace. In addition he developed thrush. Following the advice of his conventional pediatrician, (change formula & flood him with medicine & wait a MONTH), there was still NO relief. Each day was getting worse, finally I reached out to Julie Lachman. Dr. Lachman provided everything we needed to help my baby. I went to her, with a baby who cried throughout the entire doctor visit, to coming home and within 2 hours of starting his all natural treatment and diet regiment, my baby finally had peace. Finally the pain had eased and by that very night I had my happy healthy baby again. Literally pain free. It was the first time in weeks I saw my baby smile. Also, within a week, without toxic medicine, the thrush had completely cleared. I cannot thank Julie Lachman enough, for applying her unlimited knowledge of natural healing to heal my baby,and doing it with such compassion and loving care that you cannot find with a conventional doctor. She’s a true healer. Sincerely,”*

– M.P., Philadelphia, PA

“I am very happy because the redness of my face has gone down a lot and my skin can finally tolerate any foods I eat without constant worry about breakouts.”*

N.B., Hatboro, PA

“I had watering of my right eye for two years. My ophthalmologist said it was due to dry eyes and to use eye drops. I did not get any relief until I went to Dr. Lachman, who prescribed a remedy that stopped the watering.”*

– J.H., Bensalem, PA

“You’re really helping my family.”*

– J.R, Lafayette Hill, PA

” I was having chronic issues that traditional medical care didn’t have answers for. Contacting Dr. Lachman gave me hope. Working with her is changing my health more quickly than I ever anticipated. I can see improvements occurring almost daily with no side effects. Amazing!”*

– L.R., New Castle, DE

“You’ve done more for me [in the past few months] than the others have done for me in a lifetime.”*

– B.G., Lansdale, PA

“This is the best doctor’s office I have been to in my life!”*

– E.L, Hellertown, PA

“I sure feel 100% better since following Dr. Lachman’s suggestions. I have more energy, sleep better, and look forward to healthy ageing..”*

– J.E. Hatboro, PA

“Since my visits to Dr. Lachman I have had less joint pain and increased energy.”*

– D.S., Yardley, PA

“Awesome experience! This is the best doctor I’ve been to. She eased so much anxiety and I feel calm and relieved. I feel really good about everything we’re working towards.”*

– R.H. East Windsor, NJ

“Thank you for your time and efforts. Fae has renewed energy and her skin seems to be bothering her less. You have provided relief for Fae where there was previously not much hope. We are grateful that you cared. We appreciate what you do.”*

– J.C., from Jamison

“After just the first two visits, I noticed an increase in my energy and overall improvement with my total well-being.”*

– K.T. from Doylestown

“I was having hot flashes about every 20 minutes, and with Dr. Lachman’s recommendations I am now free of hot flashes, my body feels balanced, I have more energy, and I sleep through the night. It’s such a relief to feel normal again. It’s wonderful to be in a state of balance without drugs. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.” *

– E.G. Frenchtown, NJ

” I was having chronic issues that traditional medical care didn’t have answers for. Contacting Dr. Lachman gave me hope. Working with her is changing my health more quickly than I ever anticipated. I can see improvements occurring almost daily with no side effects. Amazing!”*

– L.R., New Castle, DE

“My father acknowledges that he is doing much better than before we started working with you. He never needs Oxycodone for pain now (He was taking it 3-4 times a week at night.) and his restless leg bothers him about 70% less than it did. Thanks so much.”*

– A.G., Lansdale, PA

”My husband said, ‘for the first time I see hope in your eyes’”.*

– B.G., Montgomeryville, PA

“I really enjoyed your presentation. I can’t tell you what a beautiful job you did.” *

– L.V. Homeopathy Study Group, Plymouth Meeting, PA

“For the first time in a long time, I have 100% trust in my doctor!”*

– K.T. Doylestown, PA

“After several months under Dr. Lachman’s care I have increased energy, a sense of calm, and an overall feeling of improved health. Dr. Lachman is concerned with the entire person and I feel cared for in both body and mind. Dr. Lachman is very responsive to questions and is dedicated to making her patients healthy and being the best they can be”.*

– D.N., Doylestown, PA

“When it comes to caring and listening, Dr. Julie is the one to see. She is polite and really wants the best for me and her other patients. Her depth of knowledge is vast and allows her to tap into it for healing suggestions.”

– Bob

“I felt right at home and things all started to make sense. I’m so glad I went. I’m looking forward to starting a new and natural path…”

– Teresa

“We’ve taken our son to doctor after doctor, and have struggled to find one who takes the time to investigate the causes for his medical issues. This is why our family really likes Dr. Lachman – she treats each patient individually, rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine. She takes the time at each appointment to discuss our concerns and find the best treatments for him. She’s always just a phone call away and takes the time to answer our questions. And the treatments work!”

– Jonah

“Very knowledgeable.”

– Jadyn

“Dr. Lachman not only listens more compassionately than any doctor I have met but her input and advise on healthy herbal supplements is priceless. I have made leaps and bounds in getting my health back and feel better than ever. Dr. Lachman is a truly gifted practitioner!”

– Erica

“Great first visit. I feel I truly found what I was looking for in terms of a knowledgeable doctor that will work WITH me to address my concerns.”

– Christine

“Always Great”

– Elizabeth

“Julie has helped my son to lose weight and become healthier! She is so knowledgeable about what she does! Highly recommend her.”

– Christine

“A great solution to otherwise un-treatable issues!”

– Nicole

“I feel fantastic and I love my homeopathic doctor! Thank you so much for all the support you’ve shown me and that getting your health in order and eating right isn’t that hard after all. VitaminMed works for me. it’s all about cutting out processed food and re introducing it slowly so eventually you can eat what you want. re training your body and mind! for me the weight loss is great but more important is how I feel! I feel AWESOME! Haven’t felt this good in over 20 years!!! THANK YOU!”

– Miranda

“I always look forward to my visits with Dr. Lachman because she take the time to ask questions and get to the root of the problem. It is apparent that she really cares for her patients and wants to see them lead healthy lives.”

– Lindsay

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